Glory, Shame, Self-Justification, and Narcissism (Munchies: Volume 24 - MP3 Download)
Narcissism is a bigger problem in families, leadership, and culture than most of us realize. If you are one of those who have begun to realize the pain of dealing with narcissism in others, or even in yourself, you are about to hear a most amazing series of nine lessons by Dr. Wilder. Neuroscience shows us that narcissism is an inability or refusal to feel shame.
Scripture has a large amount to say about glory and shame. Those who refuse to feel shame are called "stiff-necked" in Scripture - those who will not hang their heads. They are described as self-justified and as sons of Belial. Stories of many stiff-necked people like King Saul and entire societies addressed by Moses and the prophets fill the scriptures as the Bible talks about what we now call narcissism. God describes living with narcissists as like being in briars, thorns, and scorpions or like eating one another.
There is no simple procedure to deal with narcissism because it requires character and God's Spirit in us to withstand without becoming self-justified. Wilder outlines the three levels of narcissism from scripture, the two patterns of expression that often alternate generations, and God's amazing way out of narcissism and its influence. You are not going to find this teaching anywhere else. This is a series you are going to be telling people about for a long time. Order several copies.
by Dr. Jim Wilder
Glory, Shame, Self-justification, and Narcissism | |
--Part 1 | 31 min. |
--Part 2 | 36 min. |
--Part 3 | 41 min. |
--Part 4 | 37 min. |
--Part 5 | 44 min. |
--Part 6 | 45 min. |
--Part 7 | 42 min. |
--Part 8 | 46 min. |
--Part 9 | 48 min. |
All of the teachings are available as MP3 downloads, some are available on CD (while supplies last).
NOTE: After purchase, if your web browser does not show the download link on the reloaded webpage, simply check your Inbox for an order confirmation receipt, then find the link to download your selections.
(6+ hours of teaching 2011)