Creating Belonging (Munchies: Volume 13 - MP3 Download)
Belonging is one of the most problematic topics in the 'Life Model' teaching. First, because most people assume that belonging is something that others are supposed to do for them and no one can find people who can give them enough belonging. Second, the "seeker-sensitive" church movement assumed that people who come to church are seeking belonging only to find out recently that finding belonging is not what attracts a crowd.
Dr. Wilder demonstrates in this series that belonging is something people create around them until they are damaged by type A or B traumas. Even the weak and the stranger are expected by Scripture to create belonging around them. Creating belonging around you is your normal function. Restoring our natural function is the object of the Thriving Recover Your Life class called "Belonging." These lessons give the biblical background for our program design.
by Dr. Jim Wilder
Creating Belonging | |
Creating Belonging Part 1 | 57 min. |
Creating Belonging Part 2 | 42 min. |
Creating Belonging Part 3 | 53 min. |
Grace and Favor | 47 min. |
Loving People God Gives Us | 47 min. |
Preparing Elijah | 51 min. |
Singing | 49 min. |
Thanks for the Blessing | 50 min. |
All of the teachings are available as MP3 downloads, some are available on CD (while supplies last).
NOTE: After purchase, if your web browser does not show the download link on the reloaded webpage, simply check your Inbox for an order confirmation receipt, then find the link to download your selections.
(6.6 hours of teaching 2007)