Grace (Munchies: Volume 25 - MP3 Download)
Grace is about being special to someone. In the last volume (Munchies Vol. 24), Wilder took us from cover to cover in the Bible on the topic of narcissism and how this is related to the word "stiffnecked" used in the Bible. In this set of eleven lessons, we look at God's alternative to narcissism: grace!
Grace is to narcissism as marital love is to rape. Both the Old and New Testaments are full of references to grace. Most Protestants have given some thought to being saved by grace but few have looked at how we are to live as people of grace. Wilder will give you over 6 hours of possibilities! Don't we all want to be special? Don't miss lesson 5 on grace and food cravings.
by Dr. Jim Wilder
Grace in the OT | |
Part 1 | 37 min. |
Part 2 | 40 min. |
Part 3 | 33 min. |
Part 4 | 31 min. |
Part 5 | 46 min. |
Part 6 | 30 min. |
Part 7 | 36 min. |
Part 8 | 43 min. |
Grace in the NT | |
Part 9 | 29 min. |
Part 10 | 42 min. |
Part 11 | 35 min. |
All of the teachings are available as MP3 downloads, some are available on CD (while supplies last).
NOTE: After purchase, if your web browser does not show the download link on the reloaded webpage, simply check your Inbox for an order confirmation receipt, then find the link to download your selections.
(over 6 1/2 hours of teaching 2012)