JIMTalks: Volume 27

JIMTalks: Volume 27

  • $15.00

JIMTalks Vol 27 - We Are A Network

This nearly 8 hour volume of Jesus In Mind Talks (formerly Munchies) opens with a look at how our group identity is created and works together physically and spiritually. "Group thinking" and "group feeling" are much more than mob reactions and create a strong force in our lives. Discover how God wants our group mind to work and how that differs from what usually happens.

Father is mentioned 1,511 times in scripture but Jim only gets 36 minutes to pack the point into this lesson. Find out what he picked from all those options.

Prayer shawls as head covering only emerged in the Middle Ages but they formed much of our current thoughts about head coverings for women in the scripture. The actual beliefs in New Testament times were almost the opposite of what we might expect.

Do you sometimes feel like disaster is coming to the country and we should be praying and doing something? Habakkuk cries out "How long shall I cry and you will not listen!" as he waits for a national disaster he is certain will come to a nation that has stopped listening to God. These five lessons will take us through this short book showing the parallels to Noah and how he prepared for disaster in his day.

Three Caves 36 min.
We are a network part 1 36 min.
We are a network part 2 41 min.
We are a network part 3 25 min.
We are a network part 4 36 min.
Headcovering part 1 37 min.
Headcovering part 2 40 min.
Father's Day 36 min.
Habakkuk part 1 41 min.
Habakkuk part 2 38 min.
Habakkuk part 3 39 min.
Habakkuk part 4 36 min.
Habakkuk part 5 34 min.

(over 7 3/4 hours of teaching 2012)

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