Munchies: Volume 17

Munchies: Volume 17

  • $15.00

Jesus' first miracle was at a party. From then on, he got in trouble for the parties he went to and the things he said at those parties. Simeon blessed Jesus with "“revealing the secret thoughts of many hearts"” and parties where where that blessing really took off. The fur really flies and hearts are revealed in this fast paced teaching series that takes you through all four Gospels. Wilder takes us inside the culture and brings out surprising meanings in the parables Jesus tells about parties and at parties. You won't want to miss this lively look at Jesus.

Recordings on this CD:

Jesus and Father

--Part 1 42 min
--Part 2 46 min.
Jesus and Parties  
--Part 1 39 min.
--Part 2 37 min.
--Part 3 41 min.
--Part 4 41 min.
--Part 5 38 min.
--Part 6 36 min.
--Part 7 41 min.
--Part 8 44 min.


(6.75 hours of teaching 2008)

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