Loving (Munchies: Volume 20 - MP3 Download)
The title "Loving" may seem a strange one for this teaching set until you realize that the topics here are the basis for the Thriving Recovery module called by the same name. This set of lessons is a great blend of the three main characteristics of the Life Model:
1) Multigenerational community is the focus of Fruit From Young Trees.
2) Immanuel Healing is demonstrated, explained and the results documented in the two Immanuel lessons.
3) Relational skills and the centrality of good relationships form the backbone of the three lessons on nakedness in Scripture. We are sure you have not seen nakedness this way before.
by Dr. Jim Wilder
Immanuel and Hymns | 21 min. |
Fruit From Young Trees | 29 min. |
Nakedness Part 1 | 35 min. |
Nakedness Part 2 | 39 min. |
Nakedness Part 3 | 34 min. |
Plowshares Into Swords | 33 min |
Share Immanuel | 35 min. |
All of the teachings are available as MP3 downloads, some are available on CD (while supplies last).
NOTE: After purchase, if your web browser does not show the download link on the reloaded webpage, simply check your Inbox for an order confirmation receipt, then find the link to download your selections.
(3.75 hours of teaching 2010)