Restarting Facilitator Workbook
Restarting is designed to provide a revolutionary new approach to recovery from trauma, addictions and character issues. In the Restarting workbook and facilitators guide you receive: notes on twelve weeks of teaching, over 500 PowerPoint slides, training instructions to replace missing brain skills, weekly exercises that use almost two thirds of the class time applying what you learned that day, weekly guidance for facilitators, worksheets for participants to fill out and use, and exercises for an additional 24 group sessions for those who want more. This 190-page workbook gives step-by-step instructions for brain training exercises that build joy, recovery and relationship skills. Restarting is the first module in the Thriving: Recover Your Life program an innovative and comprehensive training program for two groups: 1) people with addictions and trauma and 2) those seeking discipleship in joy, maturity and the skills to thrive.
See details on companion DVD
We apologize, but apparently one page is missing from the current printing of the Restarting Workbook. It is a worksheet needed for the exercise in Chapter 9. Click HERE to download this worksheet.
Note - This item is available for license holders only. If you already own (and have registered) your Open Group License you will be able to purchase this product for $21.21.